The STEM subjects have a special role to play in our increasingly technology-driven world. That is
why it is important to introduce children and adolescents to the basics in a targeted way,
especially in school lessons. However, this should not only be about declarative knowledge,
about testable terms and facts. Rather, it is important to stimulate their motivation and interest,
to let them experience science through their own actions, and to encourage them to conduct
their own experiments, to question them critically, and to discuss the results. Likewise, STEM
subjects must be seen in terms of their role in the society, which comes with a special respon-
sibility in terms of the consequences of actions. Here, too, children and adolescents must be able
to have experiences that prepare them for participation in society. This includes being open to
creative ways outside their own environment, engaging with different aspects of knowledge and
respecting other cultures. Thus, it is not enough to limit oneself to the technical aspects
of STEM. Rather, a holistic approach is required, which is what is at the bottom of the acronym