In the 19th and 20th century, thousands of coal gasification plants were operating all over the world. Pipeline distribution of natural gas following World War II replaced manufactured gas as a major fuel; as a result manufactured gas production came to an end and determined widespread shutdown of gas plants. Soil and groundwater contamination by coal tars, very complex oganic mixtures resulted as a byproduct of the dry distillation of coal, potentially exists at all former gasworks sites because of prior process operations and residual management practices. This lasted now up to more than one century and the contaminant release persists as the sources are still present. The complexity of groundwater contamination at former gasworks arises from the complex original composition of tars, but also from the biotic transformations undergone by organic componds in the subsurface environment. This work focuses on 'Testfeld Süd', a former gas manufacturing plant located in the Neckar Valley in S-W Germany, which has been operating between 1870 and 1970. The main objective was the qualitative and quantitative assessment of groundwater contamination by site-specific organic chemicals. This included both investigations of the NAPL source(s) and of the plume(s) of dissolved contaminants. First the composition of coal tars from different locations in the field was determined. The three main compouns classes assessed were monocyclic aromatic hydocarbons (MAHs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heterocyclic aromatic compounds. Some of them are known to be of serious toxicologic concern, but for the majority, possible health effects have not yet been assessed. Two main types of NAPLs have been spilled in the subsurface at the site: coal tarsltar oils in the area of the former tar distilleries and ligther distillation fractions in the area of the former benzene distileries located further downstream. The initial composition of NAPLs was variable, but also contamination events occured over almost one century at different points in time. The composition of the sources has changed during decades, mainly due to faster release of easy soluble compounds into the groundwater and enrichment of the less soluble ones in the organic mixtures. Compounds recalcitrant to biodegradation, such as acenaphthene, which persist in high concentrations in the aqueous phase, were found to be also enriched in aged NAPLs, probably by partitioning from the groundwater into the leached organic phase. Dissolution out of residual NAPL phase and desorption out of contaminated aquifer material or low permeability zones were identified as the most important release mechanisms of coal tar constituents into the groundwater. The maximum concentrations for dissolution out of residual phase monitored in column experiments in the laboratory were equal to the saturation concentrations and depend on the composition of the mixture. In most cases, dissolution out of residual phase takes place only within a short domain relative to the entire volume containing residual NAPL, explaining the extremely long periods of time needed for complete dissolution. Mass transfer zones longer than the contaminated domain are more asvantageous for remediation purposes, as they allow higher mass fluxes for dissolution. Even if saturation is reached, measured concentrations depend on the observation scale. In small, homogeneous columns in the laboratory or locally in the field - e.g. individual sampling ports in multilevel wells - the measured concentration equals saturation. Average concentrations in multilevel wells were indeed in very good accordance with saturation concentrations for the organic mixture from the same location. In larger columns or in conventional, depth averaged groundwater samples, the observed concentration would be lower due to dillution effects, although saturation is locally attained. For desorption, the maximum concentrations in column experiments were much lower than for dissolution out of residual phase. For a given contaminated volume, diffusion limited desorption plays a secondary role, as long as residual NAPL is present. However, release rates measured in column experiments cannot be extrapolated to field conditions without knowledge of the contamination history and the exact volume and geometry of the source. Field investigations (concentrations in multilevel wells, pumping tests) showed that, at least close to the source area, there are several different plumes. Sharp vertical concentration profiles may attenuate with increasing distance from the source. A further objective of this work was to characterise the behaviour of the most relevant compound classes in the contaminant plume, with Special emphasis on substances recalcitrant to biodegradation. Over the entire distance assessed (ca 130 m from the source area), the plume is entirely anaerobic. Due to poor biodegradation, as the distance from the source area increases, there is as an enrichment of 0- and N-heterocyclic compounds in the plume relative to usually assessed tar constituants (PAHs and MAHs). Most of the investigated compounds undergo a first order decay process (linear decrease of concentration with distance in a semi-logarithmic plot). The half-life distance varied between 30 m for benzene and up to 200 m for alkyl-naphthalenes. With an estimated decay rate of only 0.1 % per day, dimethyl-benzofurans were the most recalcitrant of all compounds that could be identified with the available analytical method. Acenaphthene is degraded only within about 50 m downstream from the source area, then its concentration remains almost constant and very high (ca 180 µg/l) over a long distance. This behaviour of acenaphthene has been observed at numerous other former gasworks sites. 1s supports earlier findings that the biodegradation of acenaphthene under anaerobic conditions takes place only by cometabolism, e.g. with naphtahlene, and Comes to a standstill if the concentration of the easily biodegradable naphthalene drops under a certain threshold. It is not known how far the plume extends downstream at 'Testfeld Süd'.